情報シンポ2017 (AIJISA2017)


テーマは「バック・トゥ・ザ・フューチャー:次の40年へ」。基調講演4題、小委員会による4つの企画オーガナイズドセッション、11の論文・報告セッション(76題)がシンポジウム期間中に行われました。基調講演には、米国よりMITメディアラボ 石井 裕 副所長、国内より東京大学 廣瀬 通孝 教授、日建設計 福田 太郎 様、FunLife 黄木 桐吾 様を招へいしました。参加者は183名でした。


The AIJISA2017 (Architectural Institute of Japan, the 40th Symposium on Computer Technology of Information, Systems and Applications) was held from 14 to 15, December, 2017 in Tokyo.

The conference theme was “Back to the Future: Next 40 years”. The four keynote speakers, four organized sessions by subcommittees of the Research Committee on Information Systems Technology of AIJ, and eleven presentation sessions (76 full/short papers in total) were held during the symposium period. Prof. Hiroshi Ishii from Associate Director of MIT Media Laboratory, Prof. Michitaka Hirose from the University of Tokyo, Mr. Taro Fukuda from Nikken Sekkei ltd., and Mr. Togo Ogi from FunLife Inc. were invited as the keynotes. 183 people who are researchers, practitioners, and students etc. attended the AIJISA2017.

The opening session, four keynotes and closing session were delivered by live streaming. After the symposium, the recorded videos are uploaded on Youtube and Facebook channels. Moreover, six sponsors and conference dinner allowed participants for information supplement and interaction.

公式サイト (Official Site) https://aijisa2017.jimdo.com/

Program (Japanese only) http://www.aij.or.jp/jpn/symposium/2017/171214-15.pdf

Video (Opening, Four Keynotes, Closing)

Credit: Research Committee on Information Systems Technology, Architectural Institute of Japan(日本建築学会 情報システム技術委員会)





