- PR資料を事前にオンライン公開(任意)
- 全体会議室にて発表者全員が1分以内(時間は予定)でライトニングプレゼン
- 発表者は自身専用のWeb会議室に移動・参加者は視聴したい発表者のWeb会議室に移動
- 発表者は自身専用のWeb会議室にて、ポスター発表と質疑への応答を行う
- 参加者は各発表者のWeb会議室にて、ポスター発表の視聴と質疑を行う
- 発表者は自身専用のWeb会議室にそのまま待機・参加者は別の発表者のWeb会議室に移動
- 4・5・6を繰り返し、定刻になったら全体会議室にてクロージング
- *開催までに開催形式やシステムを変更する場合があります
This year’s interactive session will also be held online, using a web conferencing system for poster presentation (screen sharing) and Q&A. The flow of the session is as follows:
- Presentation materials are made available online in advance (optional)
- All presenters will give a short presentation of no more than one minute (presentation time: tentative) in the plenary session room.
- Each presenter goes to their own web conference room. The participants will go to the presenter’s room where they wish to view the presentation.
- Each presenter will give a poster presentation and answer questions at his or her own web conference room.
- The participants will stay in the presenter’s web conference room for viewing and questioning.
- Each presenter will stay in his or her own web conference room. The participants may move to another presenter’s web conference room.
- After the repetition of steps 4, 5, and 6, the meeting will end with the participants reconvening in the plenary session room at the end of the meeting.
- The format and system may change before the event.